Monday, September 23, 2013

Fishing Bay

We're nestled into Fishing Bay, prepping for a run to Hampton tomorrow.  A front came through the last few days so we caught up on projects, schooling and groceries.  Staying in Deltaville marina for one night proved to be a great idea. We did laundry, used the courtesy car for a produce run and took advantage of the hot showers.  The plus was that The previous evening was the slip holder picnic, which included crabs and beer. We were invited to attend even though we were not staying until the next nite....ummm, ok, crabs and beer it is.  What nice people at the marina and the boat owners were a fun group to talk to. The extra plus was the following day when we did stay in the marina there was still leftover beer.  And it was Sunday.  Which means football.  A great day, and the kids camped in the lounge for a wifi session that would make the Olympic wifi team.
We did some dinghy sailing today, and enjoyed the protection of the bay.  On the road tomorrow for our last long sail before the intercostal waterway.  The bike picture is from Solomons, on our way to the museum.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are off to a great start at a leisurely pace. Guess you have plenty of time, might as well enjoy when a beer and crab feast knocks!
